Friday, July 13, 2007

On Michael Toubbeh: Exerpts from ALL THIS IS THAT

The following information on Dr. Michael Toubbeh has been previously published on the web blogsite All This Is That:

The Toxic Doctor, Michael Toubbeh
This information appears on several web sites, including Dr. Claudette Lajam's He's Dead, Jim. The Doctor is a serial and parallel exploiter of women. I know one of them. One of the web sites has a response from the Doctor; a backed-into-the-corner apology. Apparently due to an agreement, and in hopes of mollifying the surging crowd of victims posting articles about him, he allowed the apology to be posted for one week on He's Dead, Jim blog. I don't know. . .a week doesn't seem very long. So I reprint it here, along with his photograph, and some of the comments from women he "dated." There is much much more information out there, and I get the feeling we're only hearing part of the story.

From He's Dead Jim:

"Above is the letter sent to me by Dr. Toubbeh. It applies to all of those he has been involved with. I am allowed to post this for one week. Thanks to all of those who have assisted with this. Below is the text of the letter":

'Dear Claudette, I write to apologize to you and the other women with whom I have had relationships. The postings on your site and its aftermath have caused me to reflect on the past years of my life, and I did not like what I saw. I now understand that my conduct has hurt a great many people and I understand clearly that both my actions and their consequences were wrong. I am deeply sorry for the things I have done during this period in my life and for the hurt and pain I have caused. I know you may not believe this, and I have given you good reason not to, but I did not set out with the intent to cause harm. Obviously, however, I have done so and have no one to blame but myself. Seeing the pain I have caused has made me understand that this was of my own doing and that I must take responsibility and ensure that I do not repeat my actions of the past. I know that you and others may not put much faith in these words or my intention to change. I hope that it will provide at least some help for you to know that I am taking steps with the assistance of others towards a change not only in behavior but in belief and attitude.

I sincerely wish you the best,

Michael Toubbeh.'
Comments from people on the He's Dead, Jim website:

Posted on Monday, January 15, 2007 at 09:48PM by Claudette Lajam

Dear Claudette,

thank you so much for allowing our voices to be heard, and for hopefully preventing women from falling into Michael Toubbeh’s trap in the future. Right now I believe we are about 13 women strong and still counting, but likely there are others out there who still need to learn about his true nature. As for the apology, I truly expect every word that comes out of Michael Toubbeh’s mouth to be a complete and total lie. I would have believed the apology had it sounded more like this:

From: Dr. Michael Toubbeh, ENT, Seattle/Redmond, WA

To: The Women I have Abused, Humiliated, Lied To and Cheated On

To the many women who have found me out against my will, I would like to apologize. I admit to being a low-down dirty dog of the worst type. Even though I would have continued my disgusting behavior and mistreatment of women indefinitely had I not been caught, I apologize (spurred on by legal action) for the following:

1. Having multiple, ongoing, long-term sexual relationships with many women simultaneously, while each woman was led to believe she was in a monogamous relationship with me. This unforgivable behavior has caused many women unnecessary and undeserved pain, heartache, emotional damage and lost time

2. Having unprotected sex with these different women, putting them at risk for sexually transmitted disease, lying to each one about the circumstances of my sexual history and hiding the knowledge of other partners with whom I have been having sex

3. Intentionally causing harm to these women by bald-face lying about these other relationships when confronted by women I have been dating regarding inconsistencies in my stories

4. Purposefully fabricating lies regarding traumatic life experiences, illness and death of friends, Search and Rescue missions and work emergencies to explain lapses in my stories and my sudden lack of communication with women I have been dating

5. Using women I have dated to give me rides to and from the airport for supposed trips to conferences, work-related events and family visits, when in fact these trips were to visit other women I was having sex with in other areas of the country

6. Misleading the general public, and perpetrating the myth that I am something akin to a super-hero, by constantly broadcasting my supposed physical and mental accomplishments. These events, which have not been substantiated, include an official K2 expedition, Olympic cycling career, constant work with Search and Rescue on Mount Hood and Mount Rainier, involvement in lucrative business ventures and other lofty accomplishments for which no record can be found

7. Using my profession as a physician to create an atmosphere of trust and credibility, which allowed me to instill doubt in the minds of women who questioned my honesty

8. Disrespecting the women I have been dating and used to date, by telling personal and unflattering stories about them to other women I am involved with

9. Using women who believe they are in a monogamous relationship with me to get things done which I am too lazy to do myself, and to buy me things I am too cheap to buy myself

10. For being a penny-pinching, coupon-clipping, tight-assed weasel, and lacking the ability to give a thoughtful, meaningful gift to any women I am involved with

11. Worst of all, despite all of my sexual exploits and considerable time spent with many beautiful, talented and wonderful women, for having such a xxxxxxx, mentally or emotionally To the other women I am still in relationships with, and to the future victims whom I prey upon, I will continue to deny this situation indignantly, refer to these hurt, lovesick and humiliated women as “stalkers” and exhibit my typical martyr-like attitude at the slightest suggestion I am anything other than pure as the driven snow.

MT, or Empty

January 16, 2007 One of Many Hurt Women
Wow. A lot of stuff in that comment there. Anger towards Michael is understandable, especially after what has happened. My thinking about what I went through myself after such a short time with him makes me angry, too. While I have my own strong doubts about the sincerity of this apology, I will accept it at it's face value and hope that this ordeal has created the desire in Michael to change. If not in "attitude," then at least in his behaviour. Of course he's been this way for more than a decade --probably for his whole life-- so it is insanely optimistic to believe his core values are going to change. Perhaps I am the Pollyanna of all Pollyannas here, but I would like to think that some of the above is real. However, Michael's actions towards us were real, too; painful, awful and wrong. We can't forget them, but we are lucky in that we have the capacity to forgive. ~Claudette
January 16, 2007 Claudette Lajam
Forgiveness is a word I believe in, and the chances and forgiveness that I gave Michael for over two years were given generously and with the belief he could and would try to change. I believed in the better person trapped inside him, and like so many others, I saw his good qualities and hoped he was a work in progress. Sadly, after healing from this experience and through much reflection, I know that we can't change or help him. I'm not sure he has the ability to empathize with other people, or the vision to really see himself through our eyes. I can't forget what he put me through, because I learned an invaluable lesson about what I don't want in a relationship. But now, I don't think I can forgive him, knowing what lengths he went to to deceive and manipulate people. I hope this experience leaves an imprint on him, and that he treats women with respect someday. But I won't cross my fingers.
January 16, 2007 Seattle Chick
In response to the post from One of Many Hurt Women:
RIGHT ON! Dr. Empty is a sociopath. If there is anyone out there who doubts this, I beg you to look into it further. I am also one of many, many women who have been exposed to this guy, up close and personal. He was my boyfriend for several years, and I too thought I was in a serious, monogamous relationship. The outrage here is not solely regarding the matter of him being a cheater. No, he is a pathological liar and most likely would be considered to have a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder by any reputable psychiatrist. He has bulldozed over dozens of women’s lives and without batting an eye. He is a very smart man, and knows the difference between right and wrong. His intention is to deceive and manipulate us to suit his own needs. He does a great job of it. Yes, the man needs help. And maybe he is sorry. But I’ll bet he is mostly sorry that he got exposed. I forgive him on the most basic human level, but I won't hold my breath waiting for him to change. If you think that this man’s misbehavior is reserved exclusively for his private life, guess again.
January 16, 2007 Michael Toubbeh Survivor

All of this sounds like a fabulous lifetime movie. Any takers?
January 17, 2007 Another Women
You know, of all the posts about this man, for me this one speaks the loudest. I feel sorry for this man. At least we, the women who have been the subjects of his manipulation, still have the capacity for love. I see Michael as something like a vampire; he is the emotional un-dead. He needs to suck the vibrancy and life out of all of these women because he cannot create this on his own. I have seen the flowery "apologies" he has written to women in the past. None of his promises to change materialized. Funny, he wrote THOSE words, begged for forgiveness for his not being able to make himself "vulnerable" while all the while he was dating, manipulating and sleeping with other women. Michael, good luck to you. I hope that someday you decide to realize that other people are real and have jobs and lives families and feelings. You have no right to take these things away from them because you have a problem.
January 17, 2007 ---o0o---

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Jack Brummet said...
Note to all the people going to war here. I have deleted all 13 comments from this thread. People pretending to be other people. People attacking people who were or were not pretending to be other people. People posting with the alias stating only who they were not. Accusations and cross-accusations. Move-countermove. Posing, lies, delusion.If you read All This Is That, you probably know I don't place a particularly high premium on The Truth. Because The Truth is usually not all it's cracked up to be. In that sense these comments fit right in--it's not great parody if you aren't doubting whether it's real or not. I don't even know the whole story behind this story I posted. It was interesting to me on several levels, like many of the things you see here. I have been accused (mostly when talking about repealing the 2nd amendment or when I have written about televangelists and their follies) of being retarded, foolish, naive, and a Judas Goat. I have been villified for claiming The President is a bed-wetter, or that Karl Rove was incarcerated in a hospital for the criminally insane. That's fine. Somehow this is different. And then I started getting mail to delete this, or delete that. I'm emulating Pilate and washing my hands of the matter. Start your own blog--it takes five minutes. Then you can all run it Your Way, with all your aliases and nom de plumes and you can freely attack anyone you want. Once I start editing things like comments, well it's no longer All This Is That, but a blog for people who agree with me, and a place where those who are under attack, or victims of parody, or targets of stories can't even respond. Democracy is for everyone, and I'm not ready to change the name of the blog to Some Of This Is Sort Of That Sometimes.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Susan said...
Perfect response.

You rock, Jack!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A pissed off man said...
You, Jack, are a pansy. These women, every single on, were hoping to cash in, and when it turned out he wasn't going to open his wallet, they turned on him like the money grubbing whores they are. They all gladly gave up their pussies when they thought there was a payoff coming. They only became angry when they realized they were one of many and that the money wasn't forthcoming.Delete this article. Be a man.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Anonymous said...
Michael, you continue to amaze me. You will do anything so that your next victim won't be able to find out about you online. Are you already targeting another victim of you abuse?Haven't you learned ANYTHING?If these women wanted your precious money, don't you think they would have made you pay SOMETHING in this legal agreement? Instead, they took the high road, made you get help (to help yourself, even though you still think you did nothing wrong and are probably lying to everyone still), get your OWN STD tests (not even pay for theirs) and APOLOGIZE. Gee, these women seem like gold diggers to me. Face it, Michael Toubbeh. You can't stand the thought of your disgusting behavior's being written about. These are things that YOU did. Jack didn't do them. YOU did. You, Michael Toubbeh, are the one who needs to learn how to be a man. Own up to your behavior and accept the consequences. And stop preying on women.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Anonymous said...
Michael, sounds like money would bring you joy. Great! Keep your money, be happy and leave women alone. I am sure these women are more than capable of making a good living themselves.Not sure how "rich" you are but I am certain there are plenty of people richer than you financially and spiritually. If you are so rich and fulfilled, you would have better things to do in your life.

Monday, February 12, 2007
Anonymous said...
I know this man. My darling girl friend was involved with him in what she believed was a monogomous relationship for a very long time, longer than most marriages. During this time, Michael made suggestive remarks to me that definitely made me uncomfortable, but, because of his finesse, his expertise at what he does, I dismissed his advances as my own imagination...I did not say anything to my friend about this until after their relationship ended (suddenly and without any explanation or even a phone call - after many, many years!); I knew she was in love with him and believed they would be together forever. She took a long time to get over the damage this man visited on her life, and she is one strong woman. Obviously, she is WAY better off without him, but still, it hurts.Please let us all learn from this: some men will lie and cheat and do whatever they can to please themselves. And as long as they can get away with these behaviors, they will continue to hurt us with them. It is up to us to be vigilant and expect more. Here is what I have learned from a very scarily similar situation that happened to me:Be leery of him if he is overly romantic and effortlessly charming right away. This is one characteristic of a personality disorder (a personality disorder is considered to be pretty much untreatable; this guy will NEVER change).If he is unable to answer your direct and specific questions about his past relationships with specific and satisfying answers about what went wrong (these must include some of the things HE did wrong), he is sure to fail in your relationship, too. If he could lie to or cheat on or effortlessly dump another girlfriend, he will do it to you, too. He will. Even if you are the most fabulous woman ever. Don't deceive yourself that you are different, sister. You really will be just one more notch in his belt.This type of man is talented and brilliant, which is why he can get away with his shockingly devious behavior. Sadly, I can attest to how alluring it is to have such a man turn his attentions on you. And only because you are loving and trusting and good can he perpetrate his special method of seduction on you, too. Don't let him!Always err on the side of caution whenever you are sharing your body and your life with a man. You affect many, many people when you make a poor decision in this.Oh, and by the way, my friend who was involved with Michael Toubbeh was not counted in the thirteen who have come forward. She only found out about this the

Sunday, February 18, 2007
he's dead, jim! said...
To the commenter above -- I am SO sorry. Please tell your friend to contact us through my website if she wants some support in all of this. The women invovled have been a great network of support for each other and we would be happy to be there for your friend.Know that Michael also hit on the friends of at least one of the other women during their relationship. ~Claudette

Monday, February 19, 2007

Anonymous said...
Jack, Please remove this story. For the sake of those involved, it's time to let this one go, please. You're a good writer, good journalist, but I don't think it's right to talk about and possibly damage a private individual, by first and last name, in a public forum like this. It goes without saying, it's not right for the women to be judged either. Only those involved know the real story. I am a women who was involved. Personally, I just want to see this over so that we can all move on. Peace please. It's time for peace.

Friday, March 02, 2007
Anonymous said...
I was one of the women MT "dated". I have very happily put this bad experience behind. I wasn't going to say anything here but I can't stand people who makes a mess and is too coward to face it or clean it up. It is all others fault. Others are out there to get his money. Is he Bill Gates or something? What a joke! This man can't even be truthful to himself and is ashamed to face the real him. What else does a man have if he can't be honest to himself?Interesting point from last commenter...Jack has done nothing but to post mt's behavior for public reference. None of the women have made mt do what he has done. He has chosen this behavior and he is responsible for the consequences. He created an illusion of Mr. Right by dishonesty and manipulation. He has violated other people's right. This has hurt many innocent women and caused unnecessary harm and hurt. It needs to be stopped.I have no problem to let it go. But should others at least have the right to voice their painful experience from being violated? Should others at least have the right to see his true color to avoid unnecessary hurt and harm? Should we have the freedom to make an informed decision? I wish this forum were up when I met MT. I would have never allowed him to enter my life. He is not worth it. He is incapable of loving anyone else or deserving a relationship. He can't even respect or love himself.Don't feel he has a normal insight for his problem. Whatever his problem is, he has to deal with it himself. If he wants to clean his name and he needs to get his act together. Threatening and hiding don't work. He did write a letter of apology but I doubt he is sorry for what he has done. I'd be interested in hearing what he has to say from his heart to each every woman he has violated. I doubt he has a heart but it is his problem not ours.I don't feel others are to continue paying for his problem and bad consequences. I feel it is important to keep the forum up to avoid further victims. He can choose to keep preying on women but these women deserve to know what they face at to be fair. I believe hiding the truth wouldn't bring peace but more harm and hurt. I believe honesty, integrity and truth will bring peace and happiness.So I wonder why you feel uneasy and not in peace with his dark ugly side being exposed. Wouldn't you want to prevent unnecessary harm and further victims? Would it be possible to find your peace while others are suffering or to get hurt? Or are you too selfish to care for others but your own peace? And how would you ever find your peace by hiding the truth?I find my peace by discovering the truth six weeks from today. I have very happily closed this part of my life. It wouldn't have been so easy without knowing the truth because he presented himself as a victim. MT would never ever share this part of him with me no matter how many times I questioned him or doubted him. This man is a master of lying and manipulation. I am very happy to learn the truth and bring an unhealthy relationship to a peaceful closure. I have gained my sense of freedom and sanity after I've learned the truth. It has been a blessing. Thanks for Claudette and all those who have been involved.Having gone through all these myself, I am not quite understanding your point of view. I might have missed your point although I am always open to learn.

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Anonymous said...
We all want peace. Unfortunately, sometimes the ugly truth is not a peaceful one. This is reality and it MUST be delt with, not swept under the rug because it feels icky inside for some. If it is swept under the rug, Michael has free rein to go on unchallenged and unchecked. Like the commenter above, had I know about Michael because of information posted on the internet, I NEVER would have gotten involved nor gone through terrific emotional upheaval due to the magnitude of his deception with me. I was with him for several years. It's not how many women he was with that bothers me the most, it's the twisted way he did it. As the saying goes "People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing". This man operates on hidden information, hidden women and hidden intent (and hidden condoms). For the sake of those who have yet to find out the truth, I want this site to remain. The commenter above found out only 6 weeks ago. She says it was a blessing. It was a blessing for me and I don't know where I would be right now had I not found out which was only possible through the internet. Agree, what Michael gets because of this is from his own doing. Isn't that true for all of us? How is HE any different than any one of us and why should HE be let off the hook?Let the chips fall where they may. To the commenter who would like this information removed, I respect your need for peace. I also respect the need to help other women involved with Michael. The information is how I obtained peace within myself and have moved on. It saved my soul.

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Anonymous said...
I am the "anonymous" who asked for peace. I knew Michael 4 years; was intimate with him for 1 year. Others are new to this information and that is my fault for forgetting. I just don't know where or when this will end. I say, let the site go on. You have a good point, "let the chips fall where they may." As a journalist myself, I follow rules, and one is to never mention a private individual by name on a public forum. Never. But, you know, Michael hurt people...he hurt a lot of people so you're right, maybe I'm being selfish. I don't know any more honestly. This has been a completely confusing period for me. But, yes, others should know about his habits. Let the site go on so others are informed.

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Anonymous said...
I'm a bored housewife in bellevue and I'm loving this stuff! a real life soap opera- is it real?why are there no dates or names? nobody mentions exactly when they dated this guy and who overlaps with who. who caught him?!! give us the juicy details, otherwise it seems like a story..Nobody really seems like they enjoyed dating him either- why all the fuss? didn't one girl ask him if he was gay? might be time to break up when you gotta ask that question. anyway- if it's all real I don't want to disrespect anyone just looking for some entertainment in the web.Dying to know..

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Claudette said...
Anonymous - I am sorry this man hurt you. But the point of all of this is to have someplace where women can go to gain information. Michael is a master at deception in that he makes women believe they are going crazy -- that there is something wrong with THEM for suspecting him.They deserve to know they are not crazy. They are dealing with someone who has been doing this for YEARS and will likely never stop. To the bored housewife. This started decades ago. To date, I count 17 or 18 women who have contacted me. It scares me that i am losing track. Two men have contacted me, verifying that Michael has been doing this since the mid-90's at least.My involvement with him was brief, but he continued to string me along for about year, ending this October, when I started to get emails from women around the country. It's a sad, scary thing.I hope we can all heal and move on, but I for one feel a responsibility to warn others. Thank you, Jack, for having the guts to keep this up.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Jack Brummet said...
Dear Anonymous & "The Journalist":I wrote about this originally, because it was interesting, and mostly because a woman I care about a lot was burned by this guy. And being a guy who happens to love women, well it seemed like the right thing to do. Do I think people should let this go? Yeah. But just when I start thinking that, Boom!--> a new woman appears here with another tale of woe. Almost every day another woman appears and she was victimized too. I guess if this was all speculation and supposition, I'd consider doing like you said, and quash it. On the other hand, I have a daughter, who could even be in The Doc's dating zone. Would I want her to know about him? You bet. And then, I am a sappy monogamist, physically and emotionally wrapped up with the same woman for 30 years. I'm sure Michael would chuckle at what a sap I am for that...I don't have a problem with The Toxic Doc sleeping all around town and having six or more women in his stable at one time. No problem at all. That's a lifestyle choice. But you do need to let them all know about the others. Or at the very least, let them know they are not your one and only. He didn't do that. Quite the opposite. He confected a web of lies and deceit and he got caught in his own web. Do I feel the least bit sorry for him? No. The fact that so many people are checking out this story every day seems to indicate that The Doc left a trail of wreckage and is incalculably wide and deep. As for the journalist who says this is wrong--naming names in a public forum. . .hey, I didn't write that letter of "apology." MT did. And if MT really did go through medical school (did anyone check!?), he's probably smart enough to know how the internet works. And once you let the genie out of the bottle, the genie doesn't go back in. As to journalistic ethics, I am not a journalist. Aren't journalists people like Greta Sustern, Geraldo Rivera and Bill O'Reilly? You'd never find the likes of them doing something like this, would you?Love & Mercy, jack"Jack, Please remove this story. For the sake of those involved, it's time to let this one go, please. You're a good writer, good journalist, but I don't think it's right to talk about and possibly damage a private individual, by first and last name, in a public forum like this. It goes without saying, it's not right for the women to be judged either. Only those involved know the real story. I am a women who was involved. Personally, I just want to see this over so that we can all move on. Peace please. It's time for peace.

Friday, March 02, 2007"

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Anonymous said...
Claudette-when you say you had a 'brief involvement' with him don't you mean 'I had unprotected sex with him one weekend more than a year ago and I never saw him again'??????Come on people- use all this energy to find and build positive, healthy relatioships. Spending time on this is about as healthy as dating a guy who doesn't call regularly, has inconsistent messages and behavior, doesn't take you out on dates, doesn't talk about feelings, isn't sympathetic or empathetic, doesn't buy you presents, doesn't make you feel good about yourself, confuses you, and doesn't include you in his family and friends.HHHMMMM.

Friday, March 09, 2007
Claudette said...
I met this man when he wrote to me over the internet. After much pursing of me over the phone and over email, he flew to NYC to see me. Yes, we had a short physical involvement. Yes, on the way to the airport he started to discuss my views on engagement rings and my thoughts on moving to Seattle.And when he invited me to visit him and specified a weekend, I bought a ticket. Then he disappeared. When I was able to track him down, he told me that one of his best friends had died of a sinus cancer. Gave great detail on this, including nightmares he had. Told me he was not talking to anyone, that his workmates were worried about him.I gave him several outs. I told him that if he did not want to see me anymore, he could tell me and I would be fine with that. Instead, he lied. Pleaded with me to give him more time. Told me that "under stress like this, [he] involutes." I could have let it go if he had allowed me to let it go. Instead, he strung me along for months. All the while, he was in relationships with 6 or 7 other women, at least two of which he had found over the internet.When I posted a CONGRATULATORY post about him as the "person of the week" on my own site this Summer, I was clearly not angry with him. He then invited me to join him on a two-week cycling trip in Baja. He promoted this as "romantic, a ribbon of highway between the Pacific and the Sea of Cortez." Again, HE invited ME. HE continued the involvement.When I was confused about this and mentioned an unnamed relationship in another post, women from across the country started writing to ME.So, in terms of my ever wanting to see or have anything to do with this disgusting man, I don't. But I feel a responsibility to warm others about him. He is an abusive, manipulative liar who is masterful at exploiting women. And he will continue to do this. If there had been something on the internet about him when we had met, it would have saved me months of anguish. My goal in having written what I did and in my continued support of this effort is the hope that other women will avoid the same trap I fell into.I am not proud that I fell for and was intimate with this horrible man. I feel dirty for having had him touch me. But I know I can make a difference for the next smart, accomplished woman he preys on. And the many, MANY other women who did not have it so easy as I did feel the same way. Some of these other women were with him for YEARS. All the while he lied to them, told them they were in exclusive relationships, and lead a life that perplexes me.How did he do it? I have no idea. What we've put together is that he would be with one woman in the morning, go to work, then be with someone else in the afternoon or evening (or talk on the phone with a long-distance conquest) and then go to be with another woman at night, using some excuse like an emergency or having lost his ID or something.Whenever a woman challenged him, he would disappear. He would not even respond. Then, maybe a few weeks or months later he would re-emerge with some fabrication, usually some tragedy that would leave the woman feeling awful she doubted or was angry with him.He would make plans to spend holidays and special occassions with women and would not show up. He would then explain his absence wtih "search and rescue" or "personal tragedy." How can a woman stay angry with such a HERO? He is an expert manipulator, liar and clearly will not stop doing this. So we as women need to arm ourselves with information. And we need to stop making excuses for the men we're involved with, I agree. We ought not tolerate this sort of behaviour, no matter what the explanation. If we all did this, players and operators like Dr. Michael Toubbeh would be out of business. Unfortunately, there are many women who crave love so much they are willing to continue to make and accept excuses from horrible people like him.

Friday, March 09, 2007
Anonymous said...
thanks for the response claudette-I'm completely alarmed by the amount of energy you've put into this. This guy sounds like a loser who had and continues to have a lot of power over a group of women.At this point, that is your choice.I think it's a bad of luck.

Friday, March 09, 2007
Claudette said...
Dear Anonymous:Of course you are alarmed; you did not experience this man.This is a man who would go house hunting with one woman on a Saturday and then sleep in a different woman's bed that same night under the guise of a hospital emergency or some other heroic action. Frankly, I am amazed we figured it out. He's a smart man and apparently has poured his energy into this ruse.I just hope he has not victimized any of his patients. From his actions, it's clear he has no conscience. But at least I hope his sense of self-preservation stopped him from crossing that line.

Friday, March 09, 2007
Anonymous said...
Anonymous may not appreciate the energy one feels in the face of injustice, not only to oneself but to others. What should have Claudette have done with all these stories of personal pain sent to her? She could have ignored them and gone on living her private life. But she seems to care about her fellow woman, and I, for one who gained closure from her journalism, appreciate it. I had a “relationship” with MT, with promises of a long future, and thankfully woke up to the reality of its vacuity (the details of which would make fodder for soap operas). I could not believe I had let this into my life. It shook my faith in men entirely, and I am still trying to regain my equilibrium.I think it is essential to have information available on the internet. Claudette’s brave clear summation of his egregious philandering is a civic service. I advocate for keeping this information available to those searching to clarify suspicions. This is not about vindictiveness; this is about a struggle to find clarity and truth as much as we can approximate it.Please keep at least the summary by Claudette available, which I no longer see on the blog site (and could be posted before the letter). That tells the whole essential story. What a person needs to know about his past behavior, before she treads sallies forth to join him in his Mambo number 5.And thank you Claudette and Jack,

Rattled in Seattle

Friday, March 09, 2007
Stephanie said...
Hey Jack,Please, please, PLEASE, do not delete this thread! Until this morning I had no idea who Michael Toubbeh was, but as with most things in life, there are only a few degrees of separation....MT is aquatinted with a friend of mine; one of our mutual friends had met him at a party and thought that he would be perfect for me since we both straddle the line between extreme sports and city life (I own and regularly wear crampons and evening gowns, although happily, not at the same time). I digress... anyway, just this morning I mailed the friend in common and asked her to set me up with Michael. At the time I did not know his name – the friend mailed me back with his name which I promptly Googled. And so, my story becomes part of the MT web, but fortunately for me, without all the associated pain.Thank you Jack and thank you to all the women who have shared your stories, you have saved me the trouble of meeting a jerk.


Monday, March 12, 2007
Anonymous said...
YES!! For once I can CELEBRATE reading a comment that does not detail another woman's story of betrayal. Unfortunately for me, there was nothing was on the internet about Michael's real persona when I met him. It would have saved me years of wasted time and emotional upheaval. Stephanie, thank you for your comment. I will rest easier tonight knowing this helped one woman make an INFORMED decision about Michael Toubbeh.Thank you Jack.

Monday, March 12, 2007
claudette said...

I am happy you found out about this in time. At least all of the effort is not in vain. If you email me through my own website I would love to communicate with you further.Congratulations on your near miss.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Jack Brummet said...
I have been tempted to delete everything...the two stories, and all the comments. And then--WHAP!--someone writes how finding this saved them. I don't think I will delete anything at all, and just let it ride. As far as I can tell from all the hits and comments, it is helpful to a lot of people, and perhaps not so helpful for one certain person (witness the comments of the two--or is it more now--people who were about to leap into the precipice.So thank you for all your thank yous. And if anyone copied those original 13 comments I deleted, send to me, and I'll repost them.yrs.,

Jack Brummet

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Stephanie said...
OK, one more thing... and this is not to diminish the pain of the women who have been deceived by Michael, but rather a reminder that we now live in a very transparent world. It is incumbent on everybody, male and female, to thoroughly research their dates. I have been doing online dating for about a year now and am constantly amazed by how much lying goes on. This is what I found out about Michael Toubbeh in about 20 minutes of sleuthing around on the web: His address (an inexpensive home in Renton) His court records (1998- tort motor vehicle, 1998-harrasament and 2007-infraction traffic) His birthday (April 1 1959 hysterical considering his story), etc, etc... If I was actually was going to date him I would have gone further....My point here is that all this information is available, free, on the web – these are public records use them to your advantage. If someone tells you they make 100 grand a year, yet live in trailer park, be suspicious. If they lie about their age consider what else they might be lying about. My feeling is that this kind of information, while invasive, will be the tools that keep us honest with one another. Historically we were accountable to our family, friends, villages and communities. An unfortunate byproduct of advancing civilizations is that in the process of urbanization we lost our souls. I do not believe that Michael Toubbeh would have ever caused the mayhem that he did if he knew that he would one day be held accountable. It was his ability to interact invisibly and without perceived consequences that empowered him to be a liar.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
KitKat said...
Hi Stephanie,Thank you for your post concerning MT and the info you found on him. Can you inform myself and the others how you did this for free. I think this would be a great tool to have when dating someone new. Thanks.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Anonymous said...
Just to catch people up on what is going on, now this sick man is trying to have one of his ex-girlfriends FIRED from her job since she tried to expose him at work. He is playing the victim! I hope true Karma exists and this guy eventually gets the boomerange in the face for all he has done.

Sunday, April 08, 2007
The stories I wrote about "The Toxic Doctor" seem to get hundreds, and sometimes, thousands, of hits a week on All This Is That. One day it was picked up somewhere and over seven thousand people showed up to read it. But even on a slow day, several dozen people come to check out the fracas. Somehow, the story remains current, and it now is in the top 20 posts, ever. The first posting is here. The readers of the Dr. Toubbeh story are right up there with the Walribi story (tens of thousands of hits for the story titled 'May I shake Your penis?"), the seven stories on the Enumclaw horse episode, and some of the most scandalous prank and parody stories. This Doc has legs! He seems to have pissed off a most active and vociferous group of people. And this group may be under some legal restrictions which do not apply to All This Is That. . .therefore All This Is That has become a repostory for their debate. Which is OK with me. . .I even regret taking down the initial batch of comments! I keep hoping the Doctor himself will weigh in, but it looks like he's content to lurk in the background as folks hurl brickbats his way. But then, he might be under some legal restrictions himself. I don't know. I'm more or less of an innocent bystander, innocently stirring up trouble.

Anonymous said...
It all sounds like a grown up version of lonelygirl15 or a bunch of writers playing with real people's lives. Are we really supposed to believe that a woman who claims she is a surgeon on one side of the country NY would fall in love online with a surgeon on the other side of the country (Seattle), sleep with him one time and then fall so madly in love that she is still posting about him a year later despite never seeing him again? What is this Gray's Anatomy? Sure sounds like the docs who wrote and produced lonely girl 15. How else do you explain the blogs that are up and down. Posts by the current boyfriends of women that dated him on your web site..? One by women who is now married getting mail from strangers about her ex? (on Claudette Lajam's blog from Seattle chick) Oh please.. why would they even read about the guy once they are dating and married? If in fact any of this is true so what? The guy dated numerous women over the past few years and some of them overlapped. Clearly some of them were just for booty call and others we was dating. Was he engaged to these women? Did he tell them they were his girlfriend or did they just want to be and put up with his behavior and got jealous when they found out what they already knew? Obviously Claudettshe met the guy online so was that the only guy she went out with in the entire year? You have to assume that since she put out for this guy the one time they were together that she was banged more than a few men in the past year or two. I am sure they all practiced safe sex right? Maybe this is all just an anti sex education campaign by the far right showing how dangerous sex is when there are so many partners? It is women like this that give regular women a bad rap. I am guessing that any lowly math teacher or computer geek who stood a woman up, didn't send flowers, never introduced her to his friends, didn't spend holidays or vacations with them wouldn't see the girls after a few weeks. Why did these women keep dating a guy that was such a jerk? Can you say co-dependent? Haven't they seen Sex in the City? don't they know what Friends with Benefits means? Michael looks like he is about 50+ years old, so I am guessing that many of the women are older also. Maybe they all need to read the book, "he just isn't that interested in you" and keep their legs shut until they go out on a few more dates.. (oooh so harsh) I am guessing that this guy is a good catch and he was just serial dating and mabye kept a few on the side for sex while he shopped. Sounds like he was trying on various women for a few months and moving on to the next and this is his discard pile. He obviously kept moving on to the next one or there won't be so many. Obviously they didn't overlap all that much. How can he have cheated on them all at the same time? Usually when you dating someone there aren't all that many nights where you don't know where the other person is. Lets see booty call1 from 5 to 7 am. mistress 2 from 6 to 8 pm then new girl3 from 10 till morning? I need his scheduling software..What is the actual time-line. When was Claudette actually in the same city as he was?Women who swing from loving a man one week to hating a guy so much they try to destroy their career the next usually have deep emotional problems (Borderline Personality Disorder) or are sex addicts. Healthy women would never put up with this guys behavior if he exists or if any of this is true. Then again there are some women that are so needy they give up their power and put out without getting anything in return. I am guessing he didn't actually date any of these women and wasn't in love with them either. He just slept with them. Sort of a cheap stable of women, I am guessing that when he called they came running and they would still do it if he called and some obviously must have known about the arrangement. Then again if not, I can see now why he didn't want to tell them about one another. He must be amazing in bed or incredibly wealthy for women to put up with his behavior and not get hurt until they found out he had other girls on the side. How else do you explain a woman who slept with a guy for one weekend and 9 months later is shocked to discover that he dated other women in the year after he dumped her? That is the risk of long distance online relationships. It is nearly all projection in the beginning and he clearly saw red flags once they met but couldn't get her to go away. I still can't fathom why people would disclose any of this about themselves. From Claudette's blog it sounds like she had a new boyfriend at the same time she was posting about how angry she was with Michael? Wow.. talk about making the new guy feel special. Of course he is trapped since she can smear him next year when she finds out he has dating someone else after her but I am guessing she has never had a healthy relationship.There was even supposedly a post by her "boyfriend" on her blog about Mchael at one point. (also removed)and the odd one on yours by a supposed current boyfriend of someone who date this guy? Who would read about some girls ex and then post about it in defense? Who would ever date these women? Oddly Claudette posts under her real name on your blog and has posts on her own blog talking about Michael and links back and forth so she obviously isn't worried about people knowing who she is. No real doctor would do that. Can you imagine what a malpractice attorney would do with that? It is a tremendous lack of professional and personal judgment and if she really does exist she clearly doesn't work in the old boys network of healthcare as she would have just destroyed her career. Have they seen Fatal Attraction? She sounds like someone who can't let go and it out to destroy a guy's career for his personal behavior. Isn't she embarrassed to have been played by this guy? 7,000 hits? That is what convinces me that this is all fake or a weird sort of scavenger hunt. That is why posts are up an down. A jerk of a guy would ever write a letter of apology and expose himself to liability that way either. It is just a weird social experiment or an experiment in screen writing and character assassination. If not it is all very sad and much like watching an accident on the side of the road. People eventually need to move on with their lives. I do admit to enjoying reading this and trying to map out the plot and find the other secret backlinks. It is a little bit like a lost episode combined with Gray's Anatomy.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Anonymous said...
Wow. You sound like a very supportive guy women would love to date! And I see how well you research your facts before opening your mouth. Not only do you sound like a bitter man, but also a man who quickly judges people based on superficial information such as age, sex and location. I mean really, you even got his age wrong! The very least you could have done for the guy is say he was in his late 40's. The facts are real. This is not a bunch of writers stirring the pot as you suggest. You don't belive Claudette would have the courage to post on her sight the facts about Michaeal for the sake of helping other women? Claudette is real, she is a doctor, and she signed her name. I didn't see your name and you're an outsider. Where is your courage? For safety reasons, I will not post mine.If this thing ever did go to court I would LOVE to hand over my computer from home and work, my phone records and my voice mails. They are all well preserved and I will keep them for a long time because who knows what may happen 10 years from now? Or tomorrow for that matter.I too have gone on to another relationship. He's a wonderful man who knows about Michael and supports my efforts to help other women understand what happened. Understanding the facts helps countless women move forward in the least amount of time. This new man in my life gets it that women require supportive emotional connection from both women AND men. After tolerating Michael for so long, I appreciate him that much more and he's quite happy about that bonus. I'm not going to write something awful about Michael. He wronged me like no other human in my life. But it's like been there, done that, got the t-shirt.With regard to your comments, I highly recommend you take look at the way you judge others before going off at the mouth again. I'll bet this kind of stereotyping has bitten you in the ass more than you care to admit.

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Claudette said...
Anonymous, I am real. And I was involved with Michael Toubbeh for a short time. And, based on your posting, you are someone related to or you are Michael yourself, since you find it so important to post my entire name, and to minimize my importance and credibility; something Michael Toubbeh has made a career out of doing to women.I have not "pined" for Michael nor was I angry with him. I was shocked and felt such pain for the other women he's preyed upon over the years.Since my postings were taken down (after Michael hired a lawyer to have this happen) a few more women have come forward. Two of them are physicians in the Seattle area. Both of them were contacted by Michael through an online dating site. Both of them were dating him at the time he sought me out online.Also, two MEN have contacted me about Michael. One is a former workmate of his, who confirms his behaviour over many years in a previous workplace. He created havoc among employees as he was simultaneously dating more than three women at work, all of whom though theirs was an exclusive relationship. Another man wrote to me recently who is one of Michael's former close friends. He writes about how Michael destroyed the lives of at least five women during their friendship. This particular man ended the friendship after Michael preyed upon one of his close friends.You see, this is strange enough to be a fictional account. But unfortunately, it's all real.And I post my own name with pride. I am a physician. I want to help people. And the exposure of a man like Michael Toubbeh, who has harmed more women (and men) is, as one of the women wrote to me, "a civic service."

Friday, March 02, 2007
Jack Brummet said...
Dear Anonymous Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:22:00 PM PST:Pardon me, but you really do seem to have some sort of axe to grind. Since you've re-opened debate on this topic, who are you? I really am Jack Brummet (you *can* check), but you are probably not actually anonymous. I lean strongly toward Claudette's position:::::::Family, or The Toxic Doctor himself.Or maybe you really are just some random person who stumbled on this discussion, and took umbrage at the gang of gals who decided to fight back a little against this sick biscuit? Yeah, right.


Saturday, March 03, 2007
Anonymous said...
Claudette is the heroine of this drama by outing this deceitful man...It is in the pursuit of justice and honesty, that her words speak, which makes one wonder why it would illicit such a response from anonymous. Anonymous seems to think one should live life and sweep indiscretions under the rug. Yet Claudette said-basta, enough. This behavior is insane and potentially very dangerous...The toxic doctor is deceiving so many women at such a loaded state-love and sex and fulfilling that desire...I commend and love Claudette's courage and her ability to clearly express the crime that has been committed. The toxic doc's behavior is appalling and could potentially trigger a life threatening behavior, a crime of passion –think the twisted love triangle in Belgium when Els cut her lover's lover's parachute...It happens in Brazil all the time...So far we are lucky that no murderous crime has been committed, as far as we know. As for Claudette, I am so happy that she has let all those involved have an open discussion on the subject. Just waiting for the toxic doc to step in and speak for himself. Rather than Gray's Anatomy I would compare it to Something's Got to Give, only in that there was redemption as Jack Nicholson apologized to all he deceived in his life. Would Dr. Michael Toubbeah reply, explain and ask for redemption, rather than lurk behind these blogsphere and his attorney?

Waiting in Washington

Monday, March 05, 2007
Anonymous said...
I was one of numerous women MT "dated". I don't know much about dating rules but I try to follow my heart, be honest and morally correct. I don't know much about American dating culture because I am a transplant from a foreign land. I must be a big loser who is so cheap, foolish and confused to figure out who I was on his list(sex buddy, ex-girlfriend for booty calls, mistress or girl #1000), but I hope I am a human being and am allowed to have an opinion. It feels unsettling to be attacked and humiliated after being violated.I had a very troubled relationship with MT. It was a terrible feeling to have a physical relationship without romance, communication and emotional connection. Letting go of an unhealthy and undesirable relationship isn't hard. The hard part was the confusion, being left in dark, not understanding the truth, self doubt and guilt. I searched so hard but I couldn't find the answer for his behavior. I tried to move forward but I couldn't bring an unhealthy relationship to a closure between him and me. I doubted him and questioned him but he insisted he did nothing wrong. I became self doubt and felt I was responsible for the relationship failure. I felt I had a major problem and he was a victim.I trusted the illusion he created. An illusion that he is a caring, kind, good-hearted, honest, sincere, giving and upstanding man. I couldn't understand why we had so much trouble to build a normal relationship. I even asked if he is a gay. We talked a number of times about the issues that seemed to have prevented a normal relationship but the relationship didn't progress. There is no other woman in his life and he hasn't seen anyone else since he met me. He had only slept with four women in his entire life. He is very serious about relationship. He cared about me and saved himself all for me. And more...So help me to understand. Why does a grown man lie? Why can't he just be honest?Also help me to understand why a man took a woman to bed if he knew the relationship couldn't progress or he couldn't provide what she wanted? I was very clear about my needs: a normal, healthy and meaningful relationship where there is truthfulness, trust, care, kindness, romance, sensitivity, respect and compassion, Was I too stupid to understand him or make myself understood?He accused me of sabotaging the relationship. How did I sabotage a relationship when he wasn't emotionally nurturing? How did I sabotage a relationship when he was dishonest and hiding his dark ugly part? I did get frustrated with this relationship. I voiced my desire and asked about his future plan. I did voice my opinion that I would give up a relationship if I can't along with a man. How did I sabotage a relationship by wanting to explore the possibility? How would I tell true love from infatuation without spending quality time to know the person? Oh he wants someone to be madly in love with him without investing emotionally. It is impossible. Love is not fantasy. How would you love someone if he can't love you back? And as the truth turns out, he has been hurting people without mercy. It appears this man doesn't have a heart or soul.I didn't find out his true nature until 6 weeks ago. Thanks for Claudette's blog and this forum. It has been a blessing. No more rainy days! I have very happily close this part of life which I struggled so hard. I couldn't understand his bizarre behavior. I knew it wasn't right and I cried out for help. I asked him to be transparent with me. But I was left in dark. It was a very dark time of my life. I couldn't find my peace. I asked if we could bring this relationship to a closure and move forward but he didn't have and will probably never have the compassion and integrity for it.So Claudette was the real purpose for his so-called "academic trip" to NY city as I was informed. If he knew it was dead from the beginning with a long distance relationship between two docs. Why did he fly all the way to the other coast when the odds were totally against it? Why did he even have sex with her when he knew it wasn't going to work out? It doesn't make sense to me. Did he do it just because the sex was free and convenient? Does he even have a clue that his irresponsible behavior has hurt many women? Does he understand that he was hurting and violating these women in an extremely harmful and unnecessary way? Could all these be avoided if he was honest, responsible and respectful of himself or others?I might be an old-fashioned woman and I believe sex is for a committed relationship. I am not a sex tool. MT has never asked me or obtained my consent to be his sex buddy, mistress, ex-girlfriend for booty calls or whatever on his list. I don't understand him morally. He asked me if he is my only man. My answer was yes. And I was his only woman. He hadn't seen anyone else since he met me. His last relationship was two years ago and he hadn't had sex for two years when we met. So how does he explain what he has done?Maybe morally we are on different planets and I have yet to figure out what planet he is from. This man seems to have no shame. He has been using women for his pleasure at the expense of their body, emotion and soul. This has caused unnecessary pain, hurt, harm, heartache and emotionally suffering. On top of that, he is covering his dark and ugly side by attacking these women.In my opinion, the difference between human and animal is that human has emotion, spirit and morals. Our body and soul is inseparable. Or we suffer. If he has no intention or is incapable of a meaningful and committed relationship he has no right to meet women let alone to lead them down the path of physical intimacy and harm them emotionally and physically. He achieves his shady goals by dishonesty and manipulation. It is irresponsible, disrespectful and total violation of other people's right.MT has the right to live the life he wants but he should not have and should not build his pleasure on others suffering. If he was honest and shared his dark ugly side, then I wouldn't have a problem because I knew who he is. All these could have been avoided. But he chose to be a wolf in sheep skin.I can't thank more for what Claudette and others have done to expose his dark ugly side for which he hid so well. He created an illusion of Mr. right who is so giving and caring but poor guy doesn't have much time. Always in OR, school, search and rescue, charity and teaching trips....He is so kind and giving even to strangers. I was hurt and doubted myself that I must be a very bad and unworthy woman to have his love and care.I don't feel we are too hard on MT or asking for too much. We want him to be responsible for his behavior and consequences. We want to prevent further harm and victims. We want to heal our pain and find the lost soul. He has his right to live his life but not at the expense of violating and stealing others body, emotion and soul. It is immoral. It could have and should be avoided.Oh wait, maybe we are all wrong and he is totally innocent. He is so good in bed, so wealthy and such a great catch. He seems to have this special skill that makes women fall for him. Since we realize our mistakes and we decide to vote him for a TV show(Mr. Illusion) for him to charge top $$$$ to teach the entire country and even the whole world about his special skill. We were his sex buddy, ex-girlfriend for booty calls, mistress or girl #1000. We are very flattered to do the part again if he has trouble finding actresses to do it with him. But this time around I want a written consent and a contract since it is fun to know who I am on his list. I might also hire an attorney in case something goes wrong. Maybe one day mt will be rich and famous with his top-rated show and he will be nice to buy these woman a cup of tap water for their hard work even though it is very bad per his standard. But we have tried our best and we've done the dirty work. He may eventually have tiny empathy and reward us a few pennies. We shouldn't expect more than two pennies each because we understand it gets very expensive with the huge number of women involved. And he needs to keep his money try to be the richest man in Seattle. Plus truly we don't deserve even a penny because we are just a cheap stable of sex animals. Don't feel we are even human per his moral standard. Maybe after a few thousand years of evolution. It would make no difference because we won't be around for a fraction of that time. Two pennies is a lot for us because we are dirt poor and we are all losers including Claudette, an orthopedist.I have a few questions for Dr. Toubbeh since you are so smart and you know everything from cycling, operating, climbing, searching and rescuing, teaching to relationships. Have you ever loved a woman or been in love? What is your definition of girlfriend, dating, love and relationship? How hard is it to be honest and compassionate? How difficult is it to respect and appreciate yourself and others? And finally, if you are so good at everything, why couldn't you find yourself an expensive stable of women but cheap losers like us? Maybe you can try escort service next time. They are trained professionals and they must be very good at meeting your needs. Maybe you can leave the stable of poor innocent animals alone.I understand you are a noble and smart doctor. I am a simple, uncivilized and uneducated woman but I want to be better. I am here to learn from you.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Dr. Michael Toubbeh
This post and its thirty comments were deleted by the All This Is That editors on July, 2007. Don't ask!---o0o---
Posted by Jack Brummet at
Thursday, July 12, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Dr. Michael Toubbeh, Michael Toubbeh
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
This Michael Toubbeh Story Goes On. . .And On. . .And On
This story was deleted by the All This Is That editors July 12, 2007.---o0o---
Posted by Jack Brummet at
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 2 comments
Labels: Dr. Michael Toubbeh, Michael Toubbeh
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Why I Deleted The Comments From The Toxic Doctor Story
The editors of Al This Is That have deleted all 13 comments from this thread, as well as the stories that engendered all the comments. The whole thing has become a tilt-a-whirl ride of people pretending to be other people; people attacking other people who were pretending to be other people; people posting with aliases stating only who they were not; and a raft of accusations and cross-accusations; moves and countermoves; posing, posturing, lies, and delusion. You probably know I don't place a high premium on The Truth, or more accurately, what often passes for The Truth, because The Truth is usually not all it's cracked up to be.If you know me "in real life," you know that truth may now and then take backstage to a knee-slapper or a twisted, 98% fictional, and often libelous, side-trip. There are some things better than the truth. No. 1?: The music of human laughter. This whole Michael Toubbeh trip suddenly became a karmic burden, and the vibes were beginning to stink the place up. Once I start editing comments and removing stories, well. . .then, it's no longer All This Is That, but a blog for everyone who agrees with me, where those victims of parody, or targets of stories, can't respond. Democracy is for everyone, and I'm just not ready to change the name of the blog to Some Of This Is Sort Of That Sometimes.---o0o---
Posted by Jack Brummet at
Thursday, January 25, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Dr.Michael Toubbeh
This article was deleted by All This Is That on July 12, 2007. Don't ask...
[Photo]. . .click the image to enlarge. . .
posted by Jack Brummet at
12:00 AM on Jan 18, 2007


NZD said...

It is so sad that all these things have been written about Dr. Michael Toubbeh. Unfortunately, people like to hear the negative aspects of ones life and all the good work and deeds are casted to the side. It is not stated how Dr. Toubbeh volunteered his time and money to perform badly needed surgeries on people who could not possibly afford them during his trip to the Mid-East. If one took the time to ask him, he would humlby not mention all of his medical services.

Unknown said...

Wow, I sure am glad I left the dating scene before my crazy and bitter ex's could post a bunch of defamatory B.S. like this screed.

The worst thing I can conclude about Dr. Toubbeh is that he had poor taste in women. Can you imagine dating one of these loons? The good Dr. needs to find someone who will stay on her meds or be sane off of them.